The Horn of the Bull

Fiction Rated: K+ – Words: 6,032 – Published: 9-11-05

Chakotay discovers, soon after Voyager returns, that his new perspective reignites the smoldering attraction that he feels for Janeway, an attraction he thought had ended years before. Told from Chakotay’s POV. Post Endgame

Experience and Treachery

Fiction Rated: K+ – Words: 4,825 – Published: 9-4-05

In Endgame, Seven of Nine had doubts about continuing her involvement with Chakotay. What if Chakotay’s efforts to patch things up failed? And what if he blamed Kathryn Janeway for his troubles? Post Endgame

Lulu to the Rescue

Fiction Rated: K – Words: 15,034 – Published: 9-3-05

Once Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant, Luann Powell retired chief of Starfleet counseling is convinced that she is the counselor Janeway needs to help her reclaim her life after seven years as captain. Post Endgame

These Foolish Things

Fiction Rated: K+ – Words: 4,890 – Published: 4-19-05

Remind me of you A heartbreaking view of Admiral Kathryn Janeway five years before she returns to the past in Endgame. A space journey brings poignant memories and a resolution to change the past.